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Zebra pictures and Zebra Facts

Regardless of whether they come from the same family ... still have differences that make them unique compared to others of the same family.

From Down Under

Zebra finches are very common in central zebra pictures Australia. They cover most of the continent, but not a fan of cool and moist atmosphere in the south and the tropical north. Furthermore Down Under, these types of finches living in Indonesia and Timor-Leste. There have been some reports that were introduced in zebra pictures the United States, Portugal and Puerto Rico.

The average size of zebra finches range of zebra pictures ten centimeters 3.9 centimeters long. They usually eat grass, seeds and talk like trills and calls.

Forest birds

These birds live in forests and grasslands zebra pictures usually near water. You can find them in the open steppes with shrubs and trees zebra pictures. They have adapted to human intervention making use of irrigation holes and patches of cleared land and their homes. The man usually keeps zebra finches for breeding, zebra pictures genetic research, and as pets.

The breeding season

During the rainy season, these birds become zebra pictures busy during the breeding season. Captive birds can and are ready to breed almost all year. zebra pictures Wild birds, on the other hand, have several playback modes according to their ability to adapt and nesting habitats. Some of these habitats are small trees, bushes and shrubs cavities. They can also make a home of termites, other birds' nests, cracks, rabbit holes and cracks. You can also find on the shelves of human structures.


Unlike other finches, zebra finches can live up to 15 years in zebra pictures the wild, according to their genes and the environment. For zebra finches in captivity can live five to ten years on average. Predators such as cats are one of the greatest zebra pictures threats to the survival of this species. Loss of natural foods is another.


Zebra finches eat mainly seeds because their beaks zebra pictures are designed for small seed pod. Wild finches eat millet, but also eat other seeds zebra pictures they can find. Those in captivity also eat eggs as food. The way they eat (seeds from elsewhere) with the reproduction of plants.

If you want to know more about finches, you can still read some books about them. Online research is also something you can do. It takes time and passion to care for these animals to make the purchase if you really want to have. Zebra finches are so adorable that your friends may even have some of their own. However, we understand that they have to offer that these birds need to survive in the end.

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