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Cheetah facts

The cheetah is definitely the coolest animals on the planet. Of course there are others that come close, but the cheetah is simply unmatched in the examination of evidence.

The cheetah cubs are the cutest baby! Cheetahs are so small cheetah facts and adorable when he is young, only to become one of the most ferocious fighters on earth. The gestation period of a cheetah takes about 93 days, just over three months and a litter may contain seven fifty-eight puppies. At birth, the cubs are a foot long and weighs cheetah facts less than a pound! 0.6 pounds to be exact. Puppies who live at least 5 months old can run faster than any other carnivorous adults - except, of course, another cheetah facts cheetah!

Cat and a portion ...
Cheetah feline have many features, but also elements of the Canidae family. They have a greyhound-like body structure and bark! cheetah facts Cheetah other sounds include purrs, bleats, barks, growls, whistles and squeaks - but not IAR-RR! Most sounds cheetah facts are totally different from any other cat.

Cheetahs are the fastest land animals - This animal is really built for speed. cheetah facts Virtually every part of your body is somehow adapted to maximize the speed of operation. Special buffers and non-retractable claws provide excellent traction cheetah facts. Large nostrils and lungs provide quick air intake, a large liver, heart and adrenals also facilitate rapid physical response glands. A greyhound as befits always more cheetah facts efficient light on bone body fluids. Small collarbones and vertical shoulder blades help lengthen the stride. The tail acts as a rudder to turn faster, retinal fovea of ​​the eye is elongated, which gives the cheetah a keen eye, wide angle of your environment. The dark tear marks (very cool) under each eye can also increase visual acuity by reducing the glare of the sun. The column used to dock the powerful hind legs to give the cheetah added cheetah facts reach each stage. But the speed is very demanding on your physique. The maximum speed of 71 miles per hour (114 kilometers per hour), you can usually keep only 200-300 meters (274 feet).

The largest predator
Cheetahs have the highest rate of any cheetah facts carnivore hunting success. A cheetah is carnivorous and feeds on a variety of small animals. Although most adult cats are nocturnal predators, cheetah, leopard is essentially diurnal, hunting in the morning and evening. Because it depends on the view instead of the smell, cheetah facts he likes to explore the scope of a branch of a tree or on a termite mound. Other big cats hunt only a few hundred meters, the hunting cheetah 3.4 miles (5,500 meters) cheetah facts at an average speed of 45 miles per hour (72 kilometers per hour). The stem is as important as the sprint Cheetah will crawl inside 50 feet (46 meters) of the alleged before the final acceleration victim. Full sprint lasts about 20 seconds, and almost never exceed one minute. If he manages to capture an animal, the cheetah will suffocate holding the trachea of ​​animals sometimes holding support up to five minutes. Very small animals like hares are killed by a bite by the simple skull. But whatever food - big or small - cheetah eats quickly in case of dispute cheetah facts, lose more often. Cheetahs have unusually clean eating habits, do not cheetah facts become their prey, they eat carrion (leave the skin, bones and entrails of the dam). After six weeks, the young are strong enough to continue to hunt and when they cheetah facts are about six months old, the mother of live prey are caught practicing murder.

"cheetah facts"

A Joke
P. Why no casinos in Africa?
A. Because there are too many chee ... tahs!

No Laughing Matter The cheetah lives in Africa, but cheetah facts with the increase in human population, their living space becomes more limited and so is their food supply. Many animals, such as cheetahs are in danger of disappearing forever. In 1900, he was there only about 100,000 cheetah worldwide, and today there are cheetah facts about 12,000 left with 10% living in captivity. Namibia has the largest population of wild cheetahs - 2500. Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania have a few hundred to a few thousand each, while the remaining 19 countries. Hopefully this impressive animal does not go off because it would really be a great loss and a sign of humanity is headed towards.

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