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Dog tip

Do not bathe your dog too often because it dries the skin, deplete healthy oils from the coat and skin, and lead to scratching and irritation. Frequency dog tip strongly depends on the dog's breed and activity. Dogs that spend time outdoors or participate in outdoor activities that expose them to dirt, insects and / or debris typically dog tip require more bathing, perhaps every six weeks or more frequently. Some groomers recommend bathing double haired breeds only about 3 times a year, suggesting that short-haired dogs can go much longer between baths can curly-haired breeds like poodles. Too dog tip frequent bathing can cause the layer to soften and reduce its insulating qualities.

* To keep your dog clean between baths,dog tip brush vigorously and regularly - preferably daily. It's good for the coat and skin, and helps dog tip the dog look and smell good. If you are allergic to your pet, wear a mask when you brush your teeth ... outside of the brush or in a newspaper inside to help clean ... and wash dog tip your hands afterwards.

* Remember that after being inside during the colder months, the skin and the skin of a dog can become dry. And if your dog grows a lower dog tip layer, you have to comb in a warmer climate. If the skin of a dog is killed, the skin can not breathe - that requires the dog to scratch and remove the skin, which can cause injury.

* Wait a puppy is older than five weeks dog tip before giving him his first bath.

Prepare your puppy or dog for your first bath:

* Things will get better if you bring your pet dog tip to the idea of ​​him actually bathe before his first bath.

* Help your dog learn to trust you through dog tip actions such as touching pins, management ears and opened his mouth several times a day. Praise and consider positive responses reinforce good behavior with treats.

* Let the dog smell tools such as a comb, dog tip brush, short grooming. As the dog becomes less shy and sensitive questions, praise, and if the food supplement positive reinforcement with treats.

* Let your dog used to the sound of water dog tip. It can reinforce calm behavior and build a positive relationship with verbal praise and treats.

* If you use a dryer, slowly introduce the dog to the dryer. dog tip A hairdryer animals are recommended more human.

* If you think the dog resist his first bath, you may want dog tip someone to help you through the first time. Want to make the first bath your dog to be a good experience for future accept full bathroom.

Before the bath:

* Brush thoroughly and remove all tangles and mats, you will dog tip not be able to unsnarl when the skin is wet. For a poorly formatted skin, you may need to cut carpet. Proceed with caution, easy to skin Nick dog, and you do not want dog tip to.

* If the dog has ticks, foxtails or other embedded objects dog tip, carefully remove. Usually with tweezers. For more information on fleas, ticks, insect bites and skin diseases, see the links to the Web sites listed at the end of this fact sheet.

* If the paint, tar, pine sap or other sticky substance dog tip that gets stuck in the skin, try to soften and remove with Vaseline or soaking the area with vegetable or mineral oil for 24 hours . Some people have managed to remove the sticky and oily substances with Dawn dishwashing liquid. If these techniques do not work, the affected skin off. Do not use solvents, cleaners, concentrates, or relaxing dogs because these substances dog tip are toxic when ingested and can also damage the skin detergents.

* It is a good idea to cut and remove the nails of a dog tip dog before a bath, especially if the dog might claw or scratch the floor, bathtub or an escape attempt.

* You will get wet, so wear a smock or old comfortable clothes.

* Choose an appropriate location for the dog tip bathroom a room with a closed door. This will prevent the dog from escaping and keep the rest of your house to be sprayed with water. Prepare the room by removing items that could be damaged by water and all the elements that you or the dog might hurt while moving.dog tip You can cover the floor and other surfaces with a plastic sheet, an old shower curtain, dog tip large garbage bags open or sheet.

* Gather your supplies: shampoo, brushes (you can use a brush shampoo), comb, towel and / or a sponge, towels, cotton balls, mineral oil, petroleum jelly ... and conditioner and moisturizer if it is used. A soft brush is useful for cleaning dog tip around the legs. You can place the items in a plastic bucket for easy transport and access ... capsules and open bottles advance so you do not have to struggle with the eyelids while holding onto your dog. You can put some treats in a plastic bag that you can reward your dog for good, calm behavior.

* A shower head is removable for easy  cleaning and rinsing much easier. You can find pipe shower accessories stores for renovations. Many attach just behind the regular shower.

* If you do not have a shower, get a pitcher.

* Remove regular dog collar. To help curb the dog during the bath, you can use a nylon nylon collar and leash. No use of leather in water, because the water can cause the skin to shrink and leakage of dye into the skin of their dog. Many stylists recommend using a leash when bathing bathroom bathtub dogs.

* If your dog tends to bite when faced with a bath, you can use a muzzle.

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