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Good dog bad dog

We can not take credit for raising a well behaved, well mannered dog properly socialized and obedience without recognizing that on the opposite side of the room, they are also responsible for the education of a dog with behavioral problems.

"good dog bad dog"

We can not admit, but we must accept that people create so-called "bad" behavior in their dogs, which then, in turn, lead good dog bad dog to the dog and the breed or be labeled as "bad."

No amount of excuses and justifications can hide or leave escape this reality. , Features specific to the race course instinct are the driving forces are well known, however, is what humans do these breed characteristics and good dog bad dog instincts that may be causing your dog to be a "good" or dog "bad."

Like children, dogs are not born "bad" or "good" simply are what they are a clean slate!

Dogs are not sitting around thinking about how I can be good or bad today, how can I annoy or please my man, how can I cause problems ... You get the picture ... they only react to his "now" environment and follow the good dog bad dog reactions of his pack leader.

A pack leader to a dog is a parent is a child!

"good dog bad dog"

Yes, the pack leader is calm, control their emotions and their environment then the dog will be calm and relaxed life. If, however, the leader of the herd was dispersed in a mess, fear, anxiety, etc., etc., then your dog will also be in the same state of mind good dog bad dog.

The vast majority of problems of unacceptable behavior are from the control dogs who are anxious, fearful, uncertain and good dog bad dog confused.

Generally do not have consistency in their lives, no comfort zone or inclusive. Also, very, very often have a lack of exercise, leading good dog bad dog to energy naturally removed without release.

I see this as a long-time observer of the time, today's children too. The brains of children who get bored start creating not controlled good dog bad dog or directed release paths. This is no different in our dogs!

It is important before owning a dog (or parent) who has developed a reasonable level of self-discipline and a high level of responsibility. I would also add yourself to the list of essential features that are needed to be a pack leader trusted and reliable.

"good dog bad dog"

Think about it! Ask yourself the question ... Am I on the right path to happiness, satisfaction and success or address myself to the low road to dissatisfaction, stress, anxiety, sadness, etc.? Because where I'm going, this is my dog ​​too! You can not expect your dog to be calm, gay, attentive and pleasant if you are unhappy, sad, depressed and fearful ... Right? There are many variations on this theme, but you get the idea good dog bad dog, fill in the blanks on the circumstances of his own life.
"good dog bad dog"

The honest answer you get will let you know if you are willing and able to be a pack leader confidence.

For your own sake and that of an innocent dog, do not consider a dog as their savior, as the answer to their problems. This will only create more problems than you started. Dog, more than any other pet, reflect the emotional behavior good dog bad dog of human resources, temperament and lifestyle.

Must be qualified by the vast majority of dog owners good dog bad dog who have behavior problems in dogs do not consciously done anything wrong. No problem deliberately created, in most cases, there are more aware of what is happening. I hear it all the time, statements like ... I do not know why he acts as such, or, why do that, I'm fine with him good dog bad dog, I love him and he treats me well, etc., etc., etc., etc..

In fact, the majority of cases, most dog problems are witnessed dogs who loved and spoiled by nature loving owners. Therefore, do not be fooled by what actually constitutes abuse of dogs, which leads to anxiety, fear, etc., which good dog bad dog leads to behavioral problems very difficult. Do not jump to the conclusion that the dog has been good dog bad dog abused or neglected. I experience this volunteer rescue dogs badly, often jump to the conclusion that cute little bundle in his arms, trying to bite the hand off was mistreated and abused good dog bad dog. It may very well be the case, but not necessarily!

Of course, abuse, neglect, cruelty, etc. obviously lead to dysfunctional behavior, but also to be pampered, spoiled, treating a dog like a human child can also lead to the same results.

Surely not, I hear you say, but know good dog bad dog that this is a fact. Why? Because dogs are dogs, not humans and there is a big difference. They need to be respected and treated in the manner they have to be, not as a human being should be. You see all the time, humans are all your fears, anxieties and stress their dogsgood dog bad dog. They do, however, in the most affectionate and friendly, however, the poor old dog does not understand it all. They just know that they are very worried and frightened, the leader of the pack are stressed and worried about what they better be too! Results ... called bad behavior, which in reality is only an act of dog in a way that worried, anxious dogs do.
"good dog bad dog"
Dogs are not therapists, dogs good dog bad dog! Your role in life is not to fix or solve their problems, but add a new dimension of love, friendship and joy to it. This new dimension of love can be or is likely to ease and alleviate some of their problems, but should not be the reason in the first place you have chosen for a dog to be in your good dog bad doglife.

"good dog bad dog"

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