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Lion facts Amazing

The Masai Mara National Reserve is a landscape of various nomadic herds of zebras and gazelles, wildebeest and staffing estimated at several million lion facts rich habitats. Lion country is perfect, in other words, and its 1,500 square lion facts miles is home to 500 lions in 20 herds, including - the Marsh pride - is at the heart of Big Cat Live.

Marsh pride takes its name from the Musiara Marsh, part lion facts of its territory. During the dry season, the marsh attracts animals of the plains who come to eat and drink, while its dense reed beds provide an ideal cover to hunt lions. For lion facts the rest of the year brings along pride Bila Shaka Lugga A seasonal river, east of the marsh.

Lioness Bibi
As with all the lions, the females in the herd longer lion facts hunting, while men sleep, get first choice of dinner, and pride to defend the country against the invaders. Most games spends a night, while the Lions are well equipped. His eyes lion facts are six times more sensitive to light than ours.

Prides sometimes can be up to 40 animals, but the lion facts Marsh pride usually consists of four to six lionesses, pride and puppies two males lion facts. A male weighs on average 189 kg and 126 kg female. The Lions have a lifespan of about 14 years in the wild.

Males may seem, it is easy, but the good life lion facts rarely lasts long. The traveling men often form coalitions with the intention to support the herds. For this reason lion facts, the ownership of a pride rarely lasts more than two or three years. In a moving lion facts ceremony, Big Cat Diaries record when the old scar, men long part of the Marsh lion facts pride, was forced to flee the power of strong, young incomers.

Scar was filed, but was once a triumph. Her magnificent hair symbolized their fitness, health and maturity. It may also have contributed to the protection against injury when fighting other males for control of the herd.

Old scar was probably not the only victim of this palace revolution Masai. The takeover of a herd is usually the prelude to one of the most shocking aspects of lion behavior, when males kill cubs entrance to the former regime. This is a barbaric act, but no sense. Females without chicks are hot soon, giving the new men the opportunity to father offspring and promote their own genetic lineage.

Masai Mara other predators include cheetah and hyena, but lion facts the Lions are the dominant lethal. Usually feed on zebras, wildebeest and gazelles, but also attack buffalo, hippos and giraffes. Lions are the only cats that hunt cooperatively lion facts breeding prey into an ambush. Also look for food, and often steal kills from other predators.

Lions are the kings of the Masai Mara, but not all have lion facts their own way. Hunting can be dangerous and fatal injuries. Only one in five attempts in lion facts a matte finish. For Marsh pride, buffalo are a constant threat. Although sometimes lion facts provide a meal, its size and power is always a danger, a fact demonstrated dramatically when one of the men of pride was killed by a buffalo in Musiara Marsh.

Marsh Pride about 50sq km from Masai Mara to call your own. The remainder was divided into a patchwork of territories between 30 and 120sq km in size, which together support one of the highest densities of lions in the world. It is easy to see why. Once a year, an almost endless convoy Lion fresh meat moves from one area to another in search of new pastures. The great migration of wildebeest, zebras and gazelles - numbering millions of animals - is one of the world's most spectacular natural phenomena.

It is a great help to Masai Mara Lions, of course, and the Marsh pride that triumphs and tragedies will be in the heart of Big Cat Live. To learn more about Marsh pride of lions.

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