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food that are (Really) bad for dogs

Here's a confession: Huckleberry fed all sorts of things food bad for dogs. Extra brown rice? Mix with kibble. Raw eggs? He will eat together, shell and all. Peel the carrots? Delicious. Aged cheese? Use it as a makeshift training treatment - food bad for dogs  he loves cheddar.

For the most part, I think food that is bad for dogs is a very healthy habit: food bad for dogs I eat (relatively) new diet low in processed foods, so most Huckleberry swallows crumbs are fruits, vegetables, leftover meat, grains and low-fat dairy products food bad for dogs. I suspect that the variety is great for him - he gets the diversity in your offer, I lose provide micronutrients that could not otherwise obtain, and swelling of your diet food bad for dogs with low costs keep leftover croquettes.food that is bad for dogs.

Because of this use-the-dog-as-a-philosophy food bad for dogs garbage disposal, I'm still doing research to understand what dogs can and can not eat. As a result, everyone has an opinion on canine dietary restrictions. Some people are very conservative, and others - like me - is assumed that dogs are stronger than we tend food bad for dogs to give them credit. Finally, research has begun to make your head spin, so food that is bad for dogs I've reduced to a list of foods that have proven to be very, very bad for dogs food bad for dogs.

All foods on this list is potentially fatal to a dog. The danger of every food depends on several factors: the size, condition and age food bad for dogs of the dog, the amount of food eaten, etc. In general, however, these are foods that (if eaten) food that is bad for dogs quick justify the trip veterinarian.

Huckleberry shows what will happen if your dog eats all the food in this list.

Avocados are toxic to food bad for dogs a number of "food that is bad for dogs" animals, including horses, rabbits, mice and fish. The danger is caused by a toxin called Persin an oil-soluble compound which is found in specialized cells (idioblasts) in avocado food bad for dogs fruit skin. In some animals, persin causes damage to the heart muscle cells of the animal, food bad for dogs leading to heart failure.
The lawyer for dogs toxicity questioned food bad for dogs. (This is confusing to me, because there is a brand of dog food, Avoderm, announcing exactly who use attorney.) Although a case report indicated that two dogs developed food bad for dogs fatal heart failure after ingesting a "large amount" of lawyers, in fact, most dogs who eat not suffer serious injury lawyer. However, until the dogs Persin sensitivity is studied further, my personal food bad for dogs opinion is that it is safer to avoid feeding Huckleberry lawyer.


Raw live yeast bread dough based food bad for dogs is specifically designed to expand - and that's exactly what we will do in the stomach of a dog. Hot wet belly, dark of a dog is a perfect breeding ground for yeast, which extends from the stomach and may compress the diaphragm (which cause breathing difficulty).

Equally important, the yeast produces alcohol food bad for dogs - is terrible for dogs. Affected dogs may have distended bellies and show symptoms such as ataxia / disorientation, vomiting, or coma or convulsions. (This is a situation of go-to-the-vet immediately.)


We've all heard that chocolate is bad for dogs, but I decided to do my own research before implementing a policy of Huckleberry.

It turns out that the chemicals that are harmful to dogs chocolate - caffeine food that is bad for dogs and theobromine - are the same chemicals that make chocolate so food bad for dogs tasty for humans. In general, the chocolate, the higher the level of these chemicals. (For this purpose, white chocolate is not considered chocolate and let's be honest -. Is it ever?) Dark baking chocolate, on the other hand, high levels of hazardous chemicals for dogs.

Chocolate is hidden in more places than I had supposed: candy, cookies, brownies, cocoa powder, protein bars, including garden mulch food bad for dogs that is made from cocoa shells. As far as I know, the symptoms vary greatly depending on the size of the dog and the variety and amount of chocolate ingested. The effects can be very serious, however, vomiting, thirst, abdominal pain, agitation, irregular heartbeat, elevated temperature, seizures, and - if consumed enough chocolate - death. We are very, very careful with some cocoa around Huckleberry.

Ethanol (beer / wine / liquor)

Dogs are much more sensitive to ethanol than humans are - with a few tablespoons of alcohol can be very dangerous. There are all kinds of ways that the dog could be exposed to alcohol - a cup on the floor at a party, a glass of wine poured, etc (I read that are especially attracted to those with milk, and eggnog or White Russians.)

Alcohol poisoning often causes vomiting, loss food bad for dogs of coordination, disorientation and stupor. In severe cases, alcohol can cause coma, convulsions and death. Dogs with mild signs of alcohol intoxication (ie, dogs that look drunk) food bad for dogs should be closely monitored, and the dogs are so drunk that they can not bear to be supervised by a veterinarian until they recover.

Grapes and raisins

And recently grapes have been food bad for dogs associated with the development of renal failure in dogs. The exact cause of renal failure is not clear, and it seems that some dogs can eat grapes without adverse effects, while others become severely food bad for dogs ill with vomiting, lethargy or diarrhea. (In severe cases, it seems that grapes and raisins can cause severe kidney damage sustained.) Before the cause of the poisoning is best identified, avoid feeding grapes or raisins cranberry.


Both fresh and cooked hops used for brewing food bad for dogs have been associated with life-threatening signs of dogs that have ingested. Affected dogs develop high body temperature controlled (often above 108 degrees Fahrenheit) food bad for dogs, causing damage to the failure of multiple organ systems. Dogs poisoned by leaps shaken food bad for dogs, pants too, and may have muscle tremors and seizures. Veterinarian early intervention is necessary to prevent death in these dogs.


Macadamia toxicosis is unlikely to be fatal in dogs, but it can cause very food bad for dogs unpleasant symptoms that may persist for up to 48 hours. Affected dogs develop weakness in the hind legs appear to be in pain, you may have tremors, and may develop a mild fever. (I'm going crazy if Huckleberry showed signed of food bad for dogs hind leg weakness - fear that it would be)

Fortunately, veterinarians say these symptoms gradually disappear within 48 hours. Always worth a visit to the pet hospital, however, for the treatment food bad for dogs of pain - and to make sure the symptoms are not signs of something more serious.

Moldy Food

A wide variety of molds growing in foods. Some  food bad for dogsTremorgenic produce toxins called mycotoxins, which can cause serious problems or death if ingested by dogs. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine if a particular mold is mycotoxin production Tremorgenic, so the safest rule to follow is to avoid foods with mold completely. (I admit Fudge, I'll break away the moldy part of a piece food bad for dogs of food and Huckleberry gives the rest.)

Signs of poisoning usually begin Tremorgenic mycotoxins that fine muscle tremors serious breakthrough total body tremors, food bad for dogs and finally convulsions that can lead to death. Without treatment, these tremors can last several weeks.food bad for dogs Fortunately, they usually respond to appropriate veterinary treatment.

Onions and garlic

Allium - shallots, onions, garlic, green onions, etc. - contain compounds that can damage red blood cells in dogs. Overall, the food, the more dangerous it is. (For example, a head of raw garlic is more dangerous than a piece of raw onion.)

Although food bad for dogs rare that dogs eat raw onions and garlic enough to cause serious problems, exposure to concentrated forms of onion or garlic (such as dehydrated onion, onion soup mixed or garlic powder) can jeopardize dogs. Damage to red blood cells caused by food bad for dogs the onion and garlic, in general, it is evident that three to five days after a dog eat these vegetables. Affected dogs may seem weak or reluctant to move, or may seem to get tired easily after light exercise. Your urine may be orange to dark red. These dogs should be examined by a veterinarian immediately food bad for dogs. In severe cases, you may need blood transfusions.


Xylitol is a low calorie sweetener that is widely used in food bad for dogs the sugarless chewing gum and "low calorie" baked goods. Humans, xylitol does not affect the levels of blood sugar, but in dogs xylitol intake can lead to rapid and severe food bad for dogs decrease in levels of blood sugar. Dogs can develop disorientation and seizures within 30 minutes after ingestion of the products containing xylitol, or signs can be a delay of several hours. Some dogs who ingest large amounts of xylitol develop liver failure, which can be fatal food bad for dogs. This is a race-to-the-vet immediately canine toxin.

"food bad for dogs"

My super-useful helper wanted to show what would happen if your dog ate hop marinated in garlic with a little guacamole mold chocolate.
Note: I am not a vet or canine nutritionist, and this list is drawn from my own research. Not including known poisons such as antifreeze and chemicals from household cleaning - people just common foods that are harmful to dogs.

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